The plans abbreviation key was created to avoid repetition and aid in more complete descriptions. plans can be located quickly in this list by using the "find" option in your browser to find key words.. The shearing board is that area where sheep are shorn and let out of the shearing shed. conventional sheds have the pen area, shearing board and wool room built on the same level, but raised shearing boards have become popular in recent years.. Sheep can be easily moved from one pen to the other along the double slatted tank, thanks to a series of small gates. there is plenty of light in the shed, with four skylights installed per bay � as well as a total of 12 fluorescent lights..
Best use of space. the layout of a sheep shed should be planned on paper before it�s built. however the layout of existing sheep sheds should be reviewed each year before the winter housing period. consider the layout of pens, penning, passage ways, meal troughs, water troughs, individual pens, lambing equipment, handling equipment,. A well designed sheep shed is labour efficient, provides a healthy environment for sheep and shepherd and makes the best use of space.. The forcing pen: shown above, is comprised of a sheeted hurdle, two curved hurdles, and a swing slide gate that forces the sheep up the race - it can then be pulled back through itself to get behind the next group of sheep and can be locked off at a number of positions round the arc, holding the sheep tightly before they enter the race..